Types of Workshops

Keynote Address, Sigma Alpha Iota National Convention, August 2012

This is a list of some of the diverse workshops taught by Helen Spielman.

Performance Anxiety from Inside Out
A compelling overview of the topic including Helen’s own profound struggle with performance anxiety, as well as factual and emotional information that illuminates the depths of the struggle in ways that aren’t often talked about. Audience members are inspired with the understanding that they are not alone and that performance anxiety can be overcome, and are given introductory tools that they can use immediately.

Mental Visualization for Peak Performance
Mental Visualization is the intentional use of the imagination, while the body is relaxed, to create images of your desired outcomes and goals. It is a natural process like daydreaming but is directed deliberately to enhance performance. Learn why this technique is so effective and how it is used by elite athletes, CEO’s of successful businesses, and performing artists to enhance confidence and control. Experience a progressive muscle relaxation and visualization exercise, and learn how to practice this skill.

Positive Self-Talk for Performance: How to Really Do It!
What you say to yourself and how you say it has a strong impact on the outcome of your performances. Learn how and why positive thinking is a powerful tool for controlling your performances and creating concentration and relaxation. Understand a clear process for creating positive thoughts, and learn when and how to use them for maximum effectiveness to attain focus and calm, persist in practice, or enhance performance in high-pressure situations.

What’s So Great About Perfect?
To reach excellence, you must perfect your art, whether it is in the realm of music, dance, public speaking or sport. Yet, live performance always brings the risk of failure in meeting that goal of “perfect.” Attempting to attain perfection, you create tension which is the very opposite of what produces beauty. Learn an alternative concept to perfection and how you can reconcile your desire for perfectionistic goals with the natural way of your heart to share authentically and freely.

The Flutist’s Best Friends: Persistence and Resilience
Research in the fields of academic education, sports, business, psychology, and music all have found that the personal traits of persistence and resilience are more likely to lead to success than talent, intelligence, or socioeducational background. Participants will learn specific skills to develop and strengthen persistence and resilience with regard to maintaining tenacious music practice, enduring defeats, criticism, and discouraging times, and following their dreams over a long period of time.

Do They Think I’m No Good? Freeing Yourself from Fear of Judgment
The number one fear that flutists have is the worry about what others think of them and their playing. Participants in this workshop will understand how and why they become so dependent on other’s opinions, learn specific techniques on how to focus beneficial thoughts on the self in order to become free of the need of approval from others, and learn how to receive criticism in a healthy manner and to differentiate the difference between criticism and feedback.

Mind Power: The Art of Concentration
This workshop is for those who wish to increase their ability to focus in high-pressure performance situations (recitals, auditions, competitions, oral presentations, etc). Participants in this workshop will receive a multi-disciplinary approach to concentration (from neuroscience, sports psychology, meditation/visualization, business, and music) in order to harness and control the power of the mind to obtain specific outcomes and desired goals. Participants will have the opportunity to experience various, specific concentration exercises during the workshop and learn how these can enhance daily music practice or the practice of other skills and arts, as well as enhance performance.

10 Pearls of Wisdom: Vibrant Activities to Boost Confident Performing
Don’t just stand there, DO something! about achieving self-assurance, focus, and control on stage. This class presents ten tasks that effectively develop confidence in performance, and briefly includes supporting research. Fun, highly participatory, and engaging, this experiential workshop leaves attendees laughing, yet aware of new and deep truths about conquering their fears.

Top Ten Heartfelt Truths for Adult Amateur Musicians
This workshop speaks to the heart of music making in a way that instills understanding of the importance of being an adult amateur musician. Topics include fitting music into busy lives, regrets, making progress, whether to perform, and other specific concerns. Also for those returning to music after a long hiatus, audience participation helps amateurs connect with the joy, struggles, and humor of being an adult musician.

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