Seattle Flute Society Interview

Research in neuroscience has shown that we can control far more about our bodies, our minds, and our performances than we have previously believed. My goal is to teach specific, concrete skills that participants can learn, take home to practice, and use to help control their performances (rather than leaving them to random chance), in the ways they wish in order to reach their goals. I cover topics such as using self-talk effectively in high-pressure performance situations, developing concentration, combatting perfectionism, learning to do progressive muscle relaxation and mental visualization, and many others.

What do you like to do for fun? Hobbies?

I love to read and travel. Spending time with my husband Fred, my friends, and my young grandchildren fills my heart like nothing else. I do floral design, adore musical theatre, and go to aerobics classes. I participate in a non-performing chorus (my voice is….uh….well…needs improvement!) and dabble at paper crafts, and I deepen my spirit every day. I love to wonder about the beauty of nature and the vastness and mystery of all life.

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