• Spielman Helen Quote 2 Increase confidence, improve concentration, and perform consistently
  • Helen Spielman Workshop slide Insightful, transformative, fun workshops
  • counceling session 1 Confidential, private lessons by phone, via Skype, or in office

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Do you feel beautiful music inside but are so crippled with stage fright that you can’t perform optimally? Do you avoid getting on stage at all because of your fear?

I believe that almost everyone who is a fearful performer can learn to be a joyful one. In my private coaching practice, I work with musicians, speakers, singers, dancers, and actors who struggle with performance anxiety. During the past 22 years, I have had great success working with my own flute students and with clients including international soloists, university music professors, and professional orchestra and band musicians. I offer private and group coaching sessions and coaching by telephone. I also give seminars called Performance Anxiety from Inside Out, and have given presentations and workshops at venues around the US and internationally.

I create a safe, supportive environment in which I gently guide performers in identifying the personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts that act as barriers and inhibit their ability to perform. Then I teach them appropriate tools to overcome these barriers. The tools – highly effective approaches used to minimize stress and prepare for athletic competition – include positive affirmation, progressive relaxation, and mental imagery or visualization. Some performers only need a few sessions to experience positive results; others need more time to learn and practice techniques that, over time, will help them perform with less fear.

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